The Jewish Conspiracy – Last Moment of Lucidity by Dr. Makow

The Jewish Conspiracy – Last Moment of Lucidity



We can’t even acknowledge our calamity without being “politically incorrect.” It makes us nostalgic for that brief shining moment 90 years ago when the mainstream media could still mention the most pressing issue of all time.

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.


After the Bolshevik Revolution, Christian nations briefly stirred in their sleep and recognized that the “Jewish Conspiracy” was not the figment of a bigot’s imagination but rather the key to understanding the human condition.


History is the product of a long-term occult plan by Cabalist (satanist) bankers to subjugate the human race using war (genocide), revolution and financial collapse as their main instruments.


In 1920, no less a figure than Winston Churchill felt emboldened to write:

“From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide revolutionary conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.”


Churchill apparently didn’t know that both Zionism and Communism were tentacles of the same Luciferian conspiracy, one he later came to serve.


In his book “The Decline of the West” (1918) Oswald Spengler noted that almost an entire generation of the ruling classes of Germany and England had perished in WWI.

“Thus the Anglo Saxon race had entered a period of irreversible decline in which it would inevitable give way to another more vigorous race, probably from the east.”


In the rise of Communism and the mass migration of Jews to the United States, many identified this conquest with the Jews.


In July 1920, the staid Tory newspaper, The Morning Post published a series of 18 articles saying there has long existed, “like a canker at the heart of our civilization, a secret revolutionary sect, mainly of Judaic origin, bent on the destruction of all Christian empires, altars, and thrones.”


In the first article, an expert on the occult, Copin Albancelli, stated that “the occult power which works behind Revolutionary Freemasonry is the secret government of the Jewish nation.”


The article quoted a |Jewish convert to Christianity, Abbe Joseph Lehman, as saying that “Hebraic antagonism to Christianity had led the Jews to utilize secret societies.” From the time of Moses,a secret cabal was the custodian of the “most sublime truths of the Hebraic religion” and, unlike the average Jew, was hellbent on world domination.

The Morning Post then affirmed that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is not a hoax. Its goal was to establish “government of the world by a king of the blood of David.”

The Protocols linked Jews with Freemasonry. There was ” an inner or Jewish Masonry, the true governing power, and an outer or Gentile Masonry which blindly follows [the direction of the former.]

According to the Post, the Protocols took credit for the French Revolution: “On the ruins of the natural aristocracy of the goyim, we have set up the aristocracy of our educated classes, headed by the aristocracy of money.”

The Morning Post tied the Protocols to the Russian Revolution. It acknowledged cabalist Jewish backing of socialists, communists and anarchists under the ruse of the bankers’ “alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes.”

After an engineered financial crash, the goyim “will be compelled to offer us international power that will enable us to gradually absorb all the the great forces of the world and to form a super-government.”

Sound like the NWO? The Gentile cattle will work for their Cabalist Jewish masters. A system of education will erase “any recollection of their former state” from the minds of the goyim, and “establish the Jewish religion as the universal faith.”


The alarm sounded by The |Morning Post echoed one by the Times of London. In May 1920, Lord Northcliffe, a part-owner of The Times, printed an article about the Protocols of Zion entitled “The Jewish Peril, A Disturbing Pamphlet, A Call for an Enquiry. “ It concluded:

“An impartial investigation of these would-be documents and their history is most desirable…are we to dismiss the whole matter without inquiry and to let the influence of such a book as this work unchecked?”


But the alarm largely fell on deaf ears. As Hillaire Belloc explained in The Jews (1922) , the British Empire was largely the product of an alliance between Jewish Finance and the British aristocracy under the rubric of Cabalism i.e. Freemasory. The Cabalist “Jew” World Order is nothing but an extension of this.

As Douglas Reed described in A Controversy of Zion, Lord Northcliffe was declared insane and poisoned in1922. Howell Gywnne, the editor of the Morning Post survived until 1937 when the paper was bought by Rothschild allies and merged into The Telegraph. With the upcoming ruse called World War Two, the Rothschilds were taking no chances.



At present, the world represents the near-consummation of plans laid centuries ago and voiced in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Democracy is a charade. We are controlled by a satanic cult. The Cabalist bankers own the politicians left and right. Education dumbs us down. The mass media deceives, divides and corrupts. The most popular movie shows children killing each other for the entertainment of the elite.

We are taught to embrace homosexuality. Cattle need to be neutered and domesticated.

We can’t even acknowledge our calamity without being “politically incorrect.” It makes us nostalgic for that brief shining moment 90 years ago when the mainstream media could still mention the most pressing issue of all time.




In a previous post, I said WW3 may have been averted last week…..for now.

Israel is chomping at the bit to attack Iraq, but knows it needs the US support. Most likely scenario is that puppet Obama be re-elected in November,and nothing controversial interferes with his chances.

 ( However ,many of us realize that it doesn’t meter who is elected President , they are all puppetts, but the puppett you know and already groomed is better  )

Once elected, they have 4 years to think up all sort of reason to attack Iraq, which means to add it as  another colony.

The above article my Dr Makow ( who is also Jewish ) is excellent, because he has gone back into history and to a very crucial moment.

At the time Churchill, like anyone in Europe had seen what had happened to the Russian people when the Bolshevik Revolution commenced. It was a bloodbath. Russia was a Christian country.  Britain and Russia are not that far apart .  Wouldn’t you be a bit concerned you could be next ?

What many people do not understand, or are kept confused via labels, is that Communism, Bolsheviks and Judaism are quite intertwined. Do the research. It is an insidious attack on Christians and Christianity (still is), and is now going after those of the Islam and Muslim beliefs.

Their revolutions have nothing to do with helping the so-called victims and their alleged oppressive gov’ts. That is a smokescreen mask to set the people up for  being slaves with puppett leaders.

What do you think is happening NOW , as we speak ?

Who are the new Bolsheviks ?

The SAME Bolsheviks !

Churchill (who I think was a disgusting pig) saw this , but eventually was bribed political whore and became Prime Minister, and came around to ally England with ALLIED forces. In WW1, England was on the brink of defeat to Germany, and the Zionists cut a deal ( Balfour Declaration ) that they would surrender Palestine( then a British colony ) as a Jewish homeland to the Zionists in return for the Zionists getting the U.S. into WW1 .  Germany offered peace, but the Zionist Bankers couldn’t stand that, bad for business.

You trace almost any war since Rothschilds were established…it was started by Bankers.

Ask yourself….why does one group seek to censor any discussion of what are volumes of overwhelming facts .  Discrimination?

 Or fear of exposure? .

Why isn’t this taught in school?

Obvious isn’t it ?

Another wake up call for all.

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