Thanks very much for your comments(and those of others):

It is undoubtedly frustrating when people simply ,or apparently “do nothing”.

However, we are all caught up in that gerbil wheel of trying to survive in the modern world( aka “rat race”) so we also have to walk a mile in each other shoes.

The ” Powers -that- be ” have us addicted to this rat race, it keeps us busy …fearful ? and focussed on select things….so they can do their dirty work often right under our noses.

It is like the Tower Of Babel analogy….we work,  build,  but don’t speak the same language and not on the same wavelength as those in charge…they like it like that.

Re: Other comment re Tesla

I am curious if the book you are reading mentions ” Curious George “

We all think of a classic childrens Tale, but do they know which George w-h-o actually inspired ” Curious George “? Let me know if you find out.

Finally, I am not a big book reader, but it is interesting how the paths of information cross in understanding the “History of History”.  Tesla ( a true genius) is a very significant piece to connect the dots, but one has to dig to make those connections.


….as I analogized earlier, the truth and the facts best be presented like chocolate cake….(never force feed it)…but present it so people are curious ,  interested,  determine if they want more, and reach their own conclusions ….as I intend to provide more and more on the “info buffet” table.


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