Connecting the Dots : ” GAIA”

Connecting the Dots

Much like Einsteins Equation ” E= MC(squared)”  boiled down a vast amount of research…, the consistent theme I am observing is that we , the global citizens of Planet Earth, are being subjected to a ” New Religion “..(seriously) …..without nay choice and literally forced down our throats , regardless of one’s own personal religious beliefs or lack thereof.

Some call it the ” GAIA ” religion

If you recall the earlier post about the Georgia Guidestones, there is a belief system amonsgt the Elite that the world has too many people, it should be reduced to 500 Million in perpetuity.

I don’t want to delve into ” horror movie themes” but it is abundantly clear that however it is packaged, our TRUE well being is  not in their best interests.

Those in positions of influence and power have failed us miserably, isn’t that obvious? 

 If they had empathy, sympathy etc.  aka gave a damn, they would not have allowed the situations to deteriorate as they have…… AND/OR  they abused the aforementioned and both allowed and designed the systems to fail and collapse.

Like any  evolving Totalitarianism, the BRAINWASHING has to occur. We have to feel guilty ,  isolated. powerless.

Remember the (4 ) phases that are used by the Elites in power ?

(i) Demoralization   (ii) Destablization   (iii) Crisis  (iv) Normalization

So shoving their GAIA belief system down each of our throats (which they both believe and use as propoganda …as these Elite  believe they are the chosen ones to be “O-U-R”- “god/s” .) 

(i) Demoralization = we as individuals are raping and abusing Mother Earth(individual guilt).. Baddd people!

(ii) Destabilization = all of society is made up of   individuals who collectively are raping and abusing Mother Earth(individual guilt is now group societal  guilt) . Now this gives the puppetts in one’s Gov’t “excuses” to levy carbon taxes, …create GAIA “green ” projects,….. more rules and regulations etc. ie excuses for MORE CONTROL

(iii) Crisis :   Oh…GAIA Armageddon….Global Warming, Climate Change, Polar Bears dying, Green House Gases, blah blah blah and anything else that is hard to prove or Elites  can buy off enough experts to promote.

(iv) Normalization : The Elites come down as Saviours/Messiahs/ Superman…they have the solutions..everybody genuflect and/or bend over (and acccept things like Smart Meters etc.).

As noted, the Einstein equation  for TOTALITARIANISM ?


Thus, I will be using the GAIA reference a lot.

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