Discussing problems ,concerns etc ….and SOLUTIONS and RESOLUTIONS etc.

Discussing problems ,concerns etc ….and  solutions and resolutions etc.

Are we powerless, or simply uncertain and treading water ?

Help ?

It is out there, but which fork in the road will you chose to achieve solutions and resolutions  etc.?

A fair question……which I will bluntly answer, via the roads I myself have previously tread and ultimately chosen.

We all meet  various people as we go through life…or re-connect with those we’ve know for years.

While out of town, in the Interior, I talked to a cousin who is building  new cabin.

She was concerned about some dubious trees on a neighbouring property and that one day they may fall and damage their new cabin. She told me she called the “Police” re:  the concern.

I said..don’t waste your time..that is a civil matter  , the police only deal with criminal matters.  I should add she has an Uncle on her other side of the family that is a retired B.C. Judge (aka should have asked him what to do ? ).

On other issues, she and her mother have discussed calling the ” BC Ombudsman” when one has issues of concern re: Gov’t and its agencies.  Yes, one ” can ” do that , but IMHO, another waste of time. 

Ya see……Been There,…..done that, ….NO  souvenir….. except making ” lemonade” out of lemons.

Thomas Edison,  the famour inventor, is said to have made 2000 failed attempts at making a working light bulb before he was finally successful. When asked of he felt he had 2000 FAILURES he said, no, he LEARNED  2000 ways on how not to make a light bulb.( + Positive….. instead of a  – Negative ).

There is nothing worse than people following a  path to oblivion, a waste of time, that many others have tread,  tried, and also failed.  Isn’t that what science is about? ..try experiments, document them, reach conclusions , make them public, so others don’t waste time repeating things, ESPECIALLY MISTAKES… but instead learning= saving time …..and thus moving forward.

IMHO, the classic system of  ” Justice ” and ” Resolution ”  we often seek is bluntly speaking, a waste of time.

A personal anecdote:

Years ago I was at a garage sale. It was advertised, and I showed up near the end.

 I looked at a certain item, which required a bit  of work to extract, and the owner must have noticed my interest and approached me.  He said me if I was  interested ? , and I said yes…..if the price is right.   In my opinion…he wanted to leave , but try to tie up some deals now and return the next day. 

We agreed on a price, thus a deal was made… and then I said I will be back to pick it up the next day.  As I left, I looked back and saw him with another person..looking at the same item we had made a deal on.  I felt a bit “uneasy” , but felt..ITS SOLD..I am of the old school ” your word/handshake  is your bond”.

I went back to retrieve the items we had agreed upon the next day, figuring he would be there, but he wasn’t.  I started loading my truck…then he showed up.

He asked me what I was doing. I said, what do YOU mean ?….we made a deal…... and I am simply picking up what you sold me.  He then said he had SOLD them to someone else.

I said ” what” ?   Then I said, no, we had a DEAL….I am fulfilling my part of the DEAL .

He argued, said stop or he will call the Police.

I said GO AHEAD, ……..I will W-A-I-T.

Then he got very nervous. I guess he  figured I would fold and leave. 

BAD Guess.

Then he started to encourage….almost beg me….. to leave.  I could have just left and ended the matter.

In his “litle world” he didn’t seem to realize that I had committed time ( 3 – 4 hours) for that day ( travel, gas etc.) to fulfill the  agreement.

Instead I encouraged him to” call the Police” ….I AM NOT LEAVING….bring it on.    I will wait for the Police.

Now I had him cornered,…..his ” manhood”  was being challenged, and he was in a very awkward position.

After approx. 20 minutes ,the Police arrived and then inquired what was going on.

They heard his side. 

Then I told them MY side.

Once the Police heard my side…they wanted NO PART OF THIS…stating that this is a contractual matter….thus a civil matter,  .……which they Police do not get involved in.

The Police left.

Then, we both spoke a ” few choice FOUR  letter words”   to each other,  and then I left, ON MY TERMS ,   leaving the items we had previously agreed upon. Even when you are in the right….sometime its best to wash one shands and move on, but a VICTORY was achieved via standing tall and making my point .

 I thought about filing a small claims (civil) action….just to teach him another  lesson…even if I lost…but I think he learned a good lesson, having realized there are people out there that actually don’t accept such BS, treachery and dishonesty.

Back to other possibe venues aka like the Ombudsman, or other formal complaint mechanisms and avenues.

My view is by choosing such routes, one is simply “feeding” the same system you have issues with.

While ” independent” , the process is often  overwhelmed, (another bad indictation re: quality of our governance )  and IF  they take on one’s case, they really can’t do more than write a report, ie no ” disciplinary powers ” that I am aware of .

Worse, while you enter any quasi-judicial  process, you have lost or deferred control, and  moreso if you went to Court.  The court would/could disallow out -of-court discussions , comments as the system plods slowly along, etc……”Justice and Resolution  could take years.

This does notat all  imply to be a ” vigilante” or get a “lynch mob” , simply be aware of their limits/ their rules, and what actually are YOUR  expectations so as to avoid some bitter disappointment. Or, even more cynically, IMHO,  the entire system is geared to frustrate YOU and protect THEM…. no matter how right and just your cause or issues are. It’s increasingly THEM versus US

Me ?

In my view and loooooong experience, play your own game , your version, after doing your HOMEWORK, it is within the law and your rights., but part of that is KNOW the LAW and a good idea of the probable outcome. 

No use of intermediaries like Ombudsman, etc. That (2) -way middleman often UNwittingly protects the other side more…it delays things,….a buffer ,  which is not in your interest.

The other side/s often knows what the outcome is, the complainant is often a “rookie” , the game is already stacked in their favour.  Instead….Go One – on – One .   Send the initial correpondence, notifying and identifying the concern directly to the parties that you have issues and concerns.  Then it’s on the record. It is now also BAIT…for their turn,…to respond…especially if it involves Gov’t . You get a feel for what your adversary will do re: action and tactics.

My own experiences is that these “authority “groups , like school yard bullies…will do an amazing 180 degree turn when Y-O-U THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.  Their worst fear has been realized..a humble average Citizen party that is not easily intimidated if at all, a person that “knows their stuff ” . 

THEIR power, which is often subtle or overt fear and intimidation by the majority ,simply by their title and presence, or existence (” Oh no its Gov’t !!! ….run!!!! ” )can pop like  a balloon. You are literally radioactive,The INCREDIBLE HULK … and they both respect you, maybe even fear you.  Tables turned in the sense of equality and who’s the BOSS.

Y’see …………..sometimes THE BEST  but most cost effective learning is accept the challenges and rough roads…via getting your hands dirty,   a few scars in the back, and maye the odd burnt feeling, but emerging a hopefully better person.

If one has read my previous posts trials and tribulations re the SCHOOL PLAYGROUND Issue….would I wish it never happened…if I could go back in time and change things I avoid it ?  

Answer: NO BLOODY WAY..I WOULD NEVER  CHANGE A THING.    BEST THING THAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED !!!!! What I learned through this sordid mess taught me so much, it forced me to learn , do research ,etc.  not be “afraid”……..fearless …and I think a better person….for a number of reasons.

Never accept any Bullshit.   That’s the starting point.

Quote from Mahatma Gandhi

”  First they ignore you, ……then they laugh at you, ……then they fight you, then you win.”

Once you have empowered yourself , to be a very independent person and stand up for your rights, fearlessly with great determination ……I can 100% Guarantee YOU it is quite a great spiritual and physical feeling.

It’s up to YOU. Make personal mental, spiritual and physical ” Inertia” UNacceptable .

My blog explains  my journey to get to this point and hopefully inspire you as well. Perhaps start YOUR journey today, if you haven’t already.

Take Care and BE strong, mentally, physically and even more important SPIRITUALLY. …..always.

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