Bloggers, integrity, censorship, misinformation and pissing matches: (Part II )

Bloggers, integrity, censorship, misinformation  and pissing matches: (Part II )
The wisdom re: Bloggers or anyone submitting information is the 100% rule ( ultimate goal )..
…………OR   the ” 90 % – 10% ” rule.
On the 100% rule…no one is perfect, but simply attempt to submit and share  information they feel confident at the time is the truth supported with facts. If the information is flawed it should be corrected , or at least they qualify what they said.
This could be a sandbox fight over something trivial…no one is perfect….but some also submit 10% of crap to mislead people, having set the bait with the other 90% which is true.
Thus people believe EVERYTHING the blogger is saying, which no one should…they should always try and research cross reference things themselves. I read blogs and viewed videos where I cringe at one obvious error, or listened to interviews where even a PhD claims “X ” and the host corrects them ASAP.
A couple of people left comments on this blog about Vancouver Blogger ” Alex. T.” and were quite pissed off re: an article he posted on his blog which I re-posted on mine under “Rabbit Hole” Stories.
Now some bloggers do excellent work digging up stories, like Alex T. He seems to relish in nailing politicians and bureaucrats and handing them their “ass – on – a -platter”.  We need people like this. However. is there a line they won’t cross, and why they won’t cross it ?
I had read his blogs for several weeks and was quite impressed with his Pit Bull focus. He is often at the head of the pack re a story, which the MainStreamMedia (MSM) won’t touch or is finally forced to, it becomes too obvious. Alex is very critical of his media colleagues and their  focuses and their outright   professional integrity.
I had researched an issue in great detail , and was trying to find an expose’ outlet.
I felt Alex was the person and contacted him. He agreed to meet me and a couple of colleagues at a specified site, the site of the expose’ topic. We chatted, pointed things out, and also submitted him information via e-mail.
He said he would research it ( which is what one expects  a reporter to do to corroborate it ).
I followed his blog in anticipation of the expose’ being a blog item.
I waited …..and waited……………. and waited .
My colleagues ( who met with Alex and I ) kept asking me when the expose would come out.
I would e-mail Alex and inquire of the status of the expose’ ..but he said ” to be patient “.
Still Nothing.
Then, on his blog, I would post a few dry humorous jokes re his alma mater St. Georges School , and he seemed to take huge umbrage at them.
I thought ……WTF ?
Then I started to reflect…..what is going on ?
A few clues…..?
Alex is blindly ” Pro Israel “.
Bad sign. Hasn’t done the homework. Classic signs of propogandist.
IMHO, Pro Israel is Pro – Ocuppied  Palestine.  IRREFUTABLE
Overly Liberal, kneejerk support for some liberal causes, which IMHO are societal rot after I have personally researched both sides of a given issue.
I realized he has a thin skin, can be petty,  and very vindictive.
I recently sent him an e-mail stating WTF is wrong with him…I had handed him a ” Watergate story ” on a platter and what did he do ? F*ck All .Why didn’t he take this story ?
I will still read his blog posts, much of his content is intriguing.
However, perhaps he and others do follow the 90 %  – 10 % dynamic.
There is a weird dynamic in play .
While they will be like a Pit Bull on certain issues why not be a Pit Bull on others. It should be quite obvious to anyone that almost all the corruption is interlinked one way or another in a devious web.
Are they ” magnets ” to draw people in to be the ” be all  and end all ”  TRUTH TELLERS , BUT if others place their faith in them and contact them, they can suppress information or exposes’ ? 
In essence,  is the 90% truth actually meant to draw people in so that they will fall for the 10% BULLSHIT and LIES ? and that if they can suck people into beleiving the 10% BULLSHIT and LIES…..their MAIN goal has been achieved ?
All truth passes through THREE stages
(i)   Ridiculed
(ii)   Violently opposed
(iii )  Accepted as being self evident
As the classic line states….. Some people can’t handle the truth.
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